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Showing posts from June, 2017

May: Break Idols

 In case your keeping track, we are skipping March and April.   Partly because  I don't remember much about those months  and mostly because I can.  May was about to leave them in the dust anyway. When I sat down in January to assign each month's verse, I found myself stuck on May.  I am not so naive to believe I don't have idols, I just wasn't clear on what they were or how to narrow my focus.  I left the card blank, trusting I would have clarity in time.   May began with a blank card and a full schedule.  I was doing what I love. Pouring myself into people and projects and having a blast.  (You already know I thrive in chaos. It is, quite possibly, my spiritual gift.) In the midst of all that crazy, I had a brief conversation, like less than 5 minutes, when I verbally committed to step into something I had been wrestling with for about 3 months.  I had known the answer for some time, but this was the first time I w...