I'm not someone to choose a word for my year or set out with any big aspirations for change. Likely because I am a fair amount of lazy and avoid disappointment at all costs. God knows that about me, so He tends to take care of the planning and usually by December I have realized what it is I was suppose to learn. If not, he always lets me repeat the lesson. He's real generous like that. So, after spending 2017 stepping into youth ministry and feeling BRAVE I headed into 2018 like David after Goliath. I mean, God was for sure using me for some giant situations! He had given me a passion that excited and inspired me in a way I had never before experienced. People around me noticed. I was ready to take on the world. Then, slowly but surely, the path I envisioned started to fade. The ways I intended to use my passion fell away and I was left with a dream that had no real path. Now don't get me wrong, He was still using me....
....living in the everyday moments and laughing all the way