Paige is my quality time kid. She needs my attention, one-on-one, regularly. We first realized her love language after a trip to Disney World when she was three. As we walked to the van, we asked her what her favorite part of the day had been. After listing off nearly every single highlight of the Magic Kingdom, only have her shake her head no, she finally spilled the beans. Her favorite part. Just being with us. She couldn't have spelled it out any clearer. Our time with her matters. Our attention feeds her security. I should have known. A year earlier, when her little sister entered the picture, she did her best to make her needs known. I can not tell you how many times Brooklyn was punched in the head while trying to nurse. (Which may explain a few things about our flighty redhead, but that's another post.) Even after the initial jealousy subsided, Paige still struggled to share my attent... in the everyday moments and laughing all the way