The urge to write is a fickle friend. I can go months and months without a single word and then suddenly she yells so loudly, I can’t help but answer her call. Come to think, it’s not all that different from parenting an introverted teenager. So here I go……. Last week I text a friend and told her that I felt unqualified. Not overwhelmed or stressed or over-committed, just heavy. Like the weight of all the things that surround me are more than I could ever have the capacity to mend or relieve. Questions I can't answer, needs I can't meet, fears I can't comfort, wounds I can't heal. The resources, gifts and wisdom I bring feel so insignificant. Like a little boy with his sack lunch looking at a crowd of hungry people. Almost instantly, I heard God speak to my heart “This is where I use you best. When all you have is all I gave, that’s when I shine.” When the need is greater than I possess, that’s when He multiplies... in the everyday moments and laughing all the way