I suck at prayer. If you need someone to pray for you, I'm probably not your girl. Sure, I'll say I'll do it. I'll even have good intentions to get it done. But I won't. The light will turn green, the kids will yell, the phone will ring and I will forget. Every time. My personal prayer life isn't much better. It's embarrassing to say, but I'm too rushed, tired, and distracted. The thought of prayer seldom crosses my mind. Apparently, God has been noticing. In the past few months I have found myself on the outskirts of situation after situation that lead me straight to my knees. Not a passing "Please God work in that situation" way, but a "My words have run dry and still I pray" kind of way. I have prayed myself to sleep and then awoken with an urgency to pray again. I have wept as I pleaded with God to work miracles. I have prayed that God's hand would be seen and I have prayed that Satan's lies would ...
....living in the everyday moments and laughing all the way