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What a crazy month!  I would fill you in on all of the nonsense, but quite frankly, I don't have the time.  I am writing this post for one very important reason.  My Brooklyn has turned six.  She actually had her birthday on Saturday while we were moving all of our belongings into storage.  Like I said, no time. 

Despite the craziness of our week, we made sure that B got her special day.  A party at Glow Golf with her friends last Friday, breakfast for dinner (aka brinner) with our families on Wednesday, and Chick-fil-a and Cold Stone Saturday evening.  I don't think she noticed that we weren't with her for 90% of her actual birthday.  At least I hope she didn't. 

If we could sum up Brooklyn at six we would say sassy, sweet, and sensitive.  She cries at the sight of blood, has a heart for others, and has picked up the phrase "Seriously?!?" and a wicked eye roll.  Her favorite things are her American Girl doll, Marie from Aristocats, and Strawberry Shortcake.  She dreams of being a vet and having a hundred cats.  Her favorite color is gold and her favorite food is eggs-in-a-hole.

There is so much personality in our Brooks.  God has given her a tender heart and an infectious smile.  I pray that He uses her to do mighty things and that her heart never grows calloused to the pain of this world. 

Happy Birthday, Brooklyn Grace! We love you sweet girl!  Keep loving like Jesus!


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