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Jehovah Jira: The God Who Provides

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
 I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

What began as a VBS memory verse has quickly turned into the theme of our summer.  As we walk this road of uncertainty, we cling to the truth that God is with us.  He has gone before us and will provide the strength to finish this adventure. 

Part of that journey is a new school for our girls.  For Brooklyn, this is just a small change.  Kindergarten is a year of new friendships, schedules, and teachers.  For her, the location has changed, but the experience remains the same.  As a third grader, Paige's year is completely different.  New building, teachers, and, most importantly, friends. 

As I drove my nervous girl to school yesterday, we lifted our voices to the Lord and I fought back tears.  I reassured her that she would have friends, that this would be a good year, and that her fears would not become realities.  Pulling into the parking lot, she uttered another "I don't want to go" and I steadied my voice enough to remind her of our verse.  "When your scared, just say Isaiah 41:10 over and over in your head. God will take care of you."  Minutes later I left my brave faced first born standing against the cinder block walls and I prayed that God would not only make good on His promise, but that he would give her friends. 

I would find out that afternoon, that God did us one better.  You see, a friend that Paige had made at church just "happened" to sit down in the desk right next to her.  A little girl who immediately recognized Paige.  A little girl with the last name Black.  In a classroom that is organized alphabetically.  So not only does Paige have a new friend, she has an old friend who sits next to her all day and stands behind her in line.  She is NEVER alone.  And that's true whether or not Reagan is at school. 


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