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Enough Already

Sometimes, I spend so much time thinking about how something might come together, I miss a dozen chances to make anything happen.  This blog is a prime example.  I have created three blogs but have posted none.  I have spent hours thinking of names, all of them falling short.  I have felt completely overwhelmed by something that millions of people around the world do everyday.  In fact, I know of small children who have not only created blogs, but also post to them on a regular basis.  I, on the other hand, sit on the couch paralyzed.  My fingers will not type.  My mind will not think.  This is….stupid.

I am not afraid to let you see the real me.  Most would tell you that I could stand for some reserve.  I am impatient, lazy and lacking self control and I won’t deny any of that.  I know who I am.  I know who I’m not.   So what’s the problem?  If none of this bothers me, than why have I been dragging my heels for more than a year to create this blog?  What is it that overwhelms me so?

The answer is simple.  Not pretty but simple.  I have no faith in the potential of myself.  More accurately, I have no faith in my God.  I don’t believe that I am gifted enough, witty enough, or qualified enough.  Now, I am a firm believer that without HIM I am nothing.  I’m just not sure that I truly believe the opposite.  But that is the way it works.  “Through Him ALL things are possible.” (Mat. 19:26) To believe anything else is to call Him a liar. 

So from this day forward, I will not drag another heel. I will put one foot in front of the other.  I will leave my insecurities behind.  I will write this blog.  


  1. yea!!! I'm so proud of you my sweet friend! I have complete faith that you are absolutely gifted enough, witty enough and more than qualified! :) Love you and so glad you took the leap!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world...for real this time. I have always enjoyed each moment I have spent with you and each conversation that we've had. With Christ in you, you are just as you should be. And that is enough. :)


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