This blog is not intended to be a documentation of our life as a family, but there will be some exceptions and this happens to be one of them. Today my baby boy turned two. This seems unbelievable until I find him standing on the kitchen table with the toilet brush in one hand and then there is no denying. Emerson is two. He has balanced out our princess filled home with trucks, trains, and Toy Story. To celebrate his big day, he made a call to 911, smacked his sisters and kicked the dog. When I sing him Jesus Loves Me before bed, he now lifts his head from my shoulder looks me nose to nose and whispers "Shh! No. Don't sing dat." He then proceeds to tell me what to sing. Tonight he requested "Happy Birthday" for the tenth time today. Emerson is a kid who hates change (much like his big sister). He has a temper that can clear Target on a Saturday and a vocabulary that keeps us constantly amazed. Not to m... in the everyday moments and laughing all the way