You know that moment? That moment when your life suddenly becomes so much more. That moment when everything you thought you knew suddenly turns upside down. That moment when your heart aches and loves in a whole new way. Because in that moment, you became a mom.
It's hard to believe that moment was seven years ago. I remember it like yesterday. I will forever be grateful that this baby girl gave me the gift of motherhood.
Paige demands structure, exudes energy, and avoids attention. She loves skateboards, soccer, gumballs, and reading. She spends her days playing in the mud puddles, climbing trees, jumping off swings, and catching bugs. She just does it in "high heels" and a dress.
You dare not get in her way when Paige's mind is made up to do something. She doesn't take lightly to people messing with her plans.
She has also been known to blow a spelling or math test just to make a point. Though you will never get her to admit to such a thing
Our "Pegs" is here for a purpose. I don't know what that is quite yet, but everyday she reminds me that she was created for BIG things. God didn't put all of that determination into one little body for nothing! I am so proud to call Paige Elizabeth my daughter and I am so excited to see who she will become.
Happy 7th Birthday Pegs!
aww happy birthday Miss Paige!