Today I took Brooklyn to the dentist. My mom came over to watch the other kids and, since she had parked me in, I drove her car. As Brooklyn climbed out of the car she said "Mom, I love how these seat belts go back so quickly. They are so nice!" As I smiled, both inside and out, I couldn't help but think of how much this 5 year old girl inspires me. Brooklyn appreciates things that most of us don't even notice. The curtains in a hotel, tile in a lobby, sparkles on the floor of Forever21, chandeliers in a jewelry store. Sometimes I focus on the challenges of her sensitivity. The crying, the whining, the hurt feelings. Today, I was reminded of the good her sensitivity brings. Brooklyn is grateful. I hope that she stays that way. I hope that she always appreciates the beauty around her. I hope I become a little more like her.
"This pool is shady. I NEED sun, so get back over here!" she scorned. A mom who's little girl just wanted to play with her friend. A mom who couldn't see past her need for perfect tan lines. A mom who was missing the joy of vacation and was, in turn, stealing it from her daughter. My heart breaks. I wish I could make her see just how much she is missing. I wish her daughter could spend an afternoon with a mom who was completely engaged. I wish she could know the joy of splashing with her children. The memories that far outlast a tan. I've traded pina coladas for snow cones, novels for sand castles, and late nights for early mornings. My tan lines aren't even, my people watching has been narrowed to three little ones, and more money was spent at The Children's Place than Banana Republic. Vacation has changed. It's not that I have given up on any of the original ways of vacation. They are ce...
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